What do foot pedals do in OnSong, and where can I buy them?

What do foot pedals do in OnSong, and where can I buy them?

Many people find foot pedals extremely helpful in making OnSong even more productive and efficient for them. You can use foot pedals to perform simple tasks like scrolling up and down your songs hands-free, or you can use foot pedals to control more advanced functions like starting/stopping backing tracks, sending MIDI commands, controlling lyrics projection, etc. We have nearly 120 actions that you can personally assign to foot pedals, so the possibilities are truly endless!

To get started learning about and viewing different foot pedals, you can browse through onsongapp.com/store and view AirTurn's wide selection of foot pedals that are all compatible with OnSong. If you are just looking to scroll through a song, a 2-switch foot pedal would probably be best. However, if you need to do things like scroll through a song while also being able to start and stop backing tracks, a metronome, etc., a 4-switch or 6-switch pedal might be better for you. There are many different types of pedals available depending on the number of switches, tactile feedback, functionality, and more, so the best way to choose a foot pedal is to examine what you need to do and browse until you find a pedal that meets your personal preferences.

If you require any additional help learning more about foot pedals, their compatibility with OnSong, and how to set them up within OnSong, you can always check out the "Operating Hands-Free" section of OnSong's video tutorials page at onsongapp.com/videos.
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