Does OnSong have a phone number I can call for support?

Does OnSong have a phone number I can call for support?

OnSong does not currently offer telephone support. The trouble with telephone support is that we frequently need to exchange information that is not easily communicated verbally such as website URLs, video tutorials, library diagnostics, and much more. OnSong is also available around the globe an in many countries. It would simply not be possible to support everyone without passing that cost on to the end user.

OnSong does offer free and personalized support. We believe that email support is the most effective way to address our user's direct concerns since it allows us to quickly provide answers in a way that is easily recallable. We can also send web sites, video tutorials, attachments, videos, and diagnostics back and forth enabling issues to be resolved quickly and effectively. While it may be a little bit of typing, we have found it is the most effective and efficient method for our users.

You may also opt to join the OnSong Community group on Facebook. This is a vibrant community of OnSong users who are eager to help and provide assistance.
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