OrderLogix Order Import V4 (Flat File and API) Exception List

OrderLogix Order Import V4 (Flat File and API) Exception List

Module: Order Import V4
Topic: Exception List
Version(s): Version 5.0 and up
Editions: Standard, Commerce, Call Center

The Import Process will throw an exception if there is an issue with the information submitted for an order. Below is a full list of exceptions from the Order Import V4 as seen in the ERROR_DETAIL element of the response XML. The exception messages will display the field name (when appropriate) along with a detail of why the error is being thrown. Exceptions have been categorized into different types where appropriate. Click on any of the exception message hyperlinks to view an exception detail report with an explanation of the exception, a suggested resolution, and special considerations to facilitate troubleshooting of errors. 

Required Fields:

  1. WARNING: BILL_FIRST_NAME has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  2. WARNING: BILL_LAST_NAME has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  3. WARNING: BILL_PHONE_NUMBER has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  4. WARNING: BILL_ADDRESS1 has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  5. WARNING: BILL_CITY has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  6. WARNING: BILL_ZIPCODE has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  7. WARNING: SHIP_FIRST_NAME has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  8. WARNING: SHIP_LAST_NAME has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  9. WARNING: SHIP_COMPANY has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  10. WARNING: SHIP_PHONE_NUMBER has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  11. WARNING: SHIP_ADDRESS1 has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  12. WARNING: SHIP_CITY has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  13. WARNING: SHIP_STATE has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  14. WARNING: SHIP_ZIPCODE has the value "X". This field is required and can not be empty.
  15. WARNING: ORDER_DATE has the value """. This field is required and can not be empty.
  16. WARNING: CC_NUMBER has the value "". This field is required and can not be empty.
  17. WARNING: EXP_DATE has the value "". This field is required and can not be empty.
  18. WARNING: ACH_ROUTING_NUMBER has the value "". This field is required and can not be empty.
  19. WARNING: ACH_BANK_NAME has the value "". This field is required and can not be empty.
  20. WARNING: ACH_ACCOUNT_NUMBER has the value "". This field is required and can not be empty.
  21. WARNING: ACH_CHECK_NUMBER has the value "". ACH_CHECK_NUMBER is required for this order.
  22. WARNING: SHIP_TO_COUNTY has the value "X". The field (SHIP_TO_COUNTY) is required for this order because tax cannot be calculated accurately by the other fields alone.
Configuration Data:
  1. WARNING: ACH_ACCOUNT_NUMBER has the value "X". Bank Account number must have at least 2 characters.
  2. WARNING: ACH_IS_SAVINGS_ACCOUNT has the value "X". ACH_IS_SAVINGS_ACCOUNT must be either '1' '0' or empty.
  3. WARNING: CC_TYPE has the value "". Credit card type must be either 'V', 'MC', 'D', or 'A'.
  4. WARNING: CVV_CODE has the value "". CVV number is required for this order.
  5. WARNING: DNIS has the value "X"". DNIS does not exist or is not active.
  6. WARNING: DNIS has the value ""X". Multiple sources exist for this DNIS.
  7. WARNING: DNIS has the value "X"". DNIS is associated with a script that has no demographics defined.
  8. WARNING: EMAIL has the value "". Email is required for this order.
  9. WARNING: EMP_NUMBER has the value "X". Employee does not exist or is not active.
  10. WARNING: There are custom fields entered for the order but the DNIS "X"" has no custom fields enabled.
  11. WARNING: CUSTOM_# has a value but the DNIS "X" does not have custom # enabled.
  12. WARNING: CUSTOM_# has the value "". This custom field is required for this script and can not be empty.
  13. WARNING: CUSTOMER_AGE has the value "". CUSTOMER_AGE is required for this order.
  14. WARNING: CUSTOMER_AGE has the value "#". CUSTOMER_AGE cannot be less than {SCRIPT MIN AGE}.
  15. WARNING: CUSTOMER_AGE has the value "#". CUSTOMER_AGE cannot be more than {SCRIPT MAX AGE}.
  16. WARNING: CUSTOMER_DOB has the value "". CUSTOMER_DOB is required for this order.
  17. WARNING: CUSTOMER_DOB has the value "X". CUSTOMER_DOB must be a valid date.
  18. WARNING: CUSTOMER_DOB has the value "X". CUSTOMER_DOB cannot be less than {SCRIPT MIN DOB}.
  19. WARNING: CUSTOMER_DOB has the value "X". CUSTOMER_DOB cannot be more than {SCRIPT MAX DOB}.
  20. WARNING: CUSTOMER_GENDER has the value "". CUSTOMER_GENDER is required for this order.
  21. WARNING: CUSTOMER_GENDER has the value "X". CUSTOMER_GENDER must be either 'Male' 'Female' or empty.
  22. WARNING: CUSTOMER_SSN has the value "". CUSTOMER_SSN is required for this order.
  23. WARNING: KEY_CODE has the value "". Promo code is required this order.
  24. WARNING: KEY_CODE has the value "X". Promo code does not exist or is not active.
  25. WARNING: LOCATION_CODE has the value "X". Location does not exist or is not active.
  26. WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE (Column 16) has the value "Auth". 'AUTH' or 'SALE' must be a paid credit card transactions, otherwise, it must be empty.
  27. WARNING: QUANTITY# has the value "X". Quantity must be an integer greater than 0.
  28. WARNING: SHIPPING_METHOD has the value: "X". Script: {SCRIPT NAME} Does Not Allow Rush Shipping
  29. WARNING: SHIPPING_METHOD has the value "X". Shipping method must be either 'REG' or 'RSH' or a predefined value for a custom ship method.
  30. WARNING: TOKEN has the value "X". Tokenization is not currently supported.
  31. WARNING: Product Offer: {PRODUCT OFFER NAME} Does NOT belong to Script: {SCRIPT NAME} DNIS: {DNIS}
  32. WARNING: PRODUCT# has the value "X". Item must belong to this order's script.
  33. WARNING: PRODUCT# has the value "X". Multiple product offers exist for the item "0".
  34. WARNING: PAYMENT_METHOD has the value "X". This payment method is not available for item # on this order.
  35. WARNING: COUNTRY has the value "X". Ship to country is not available for item # on this order.
  36. WARNING: BILL_STATE/SHIP_TO_STATE has the value "X". Ship to state or province is not available for item # on this order.
  37. WARNING: PRODUCT# "X" USE PRICES is Invalid for an INSTALLMENT Item.
  38. WARNING: PRODUCT# "X" Telecheck Payment Method is Not allowed for Autoship Item.
  39. WARNING: PAY_PROC_ACCT has the value "X". PAY_PROC_ACCT does not exist or is not active.
  40. WARNING: PAY_PROC_ACCT has the value "X". Multiple accounts exist for this PAY_PROC_ACCT.
  41. WARNING: PAY_PROC_ACCT has the value "X". This account does not support tokenization.
  42. WARNING: Order does not have a payment processing account associated with it.
  43. WARNING: Order is using a TOKEN, however the default token VISA/MASTERCARD/DISCOVER/AMERICAN EXPRESS number in system preferences is not populated.
  44. WARNING: COUPON_CODE has the value "X". Coupon Code is either expired or does not exist!
  45. WARNING: COUPON_CODE has the value "X". The order must have a minimum amount of $ "X.XX" to use this coupon.
  46. WARNING: COUPON_CODE has the value "X". This coupon can only be used {NUMBER OF USES ALLOWED} time(s) per customer. Customer has already used this coupon{NUMBER OF USES} time(s).

  47. WARNING: This order did not pass script rule validation. Details: {SCRIPT RULE MESSAGE}.

Formatting Errors:
  1. DUPLICATE: Duplicate order found in the import file. Order was not imported.
  2. NO_ITEMS: Order does not have any items attached to it.
  3. WARNING: USE_PRICES, USE_SHIPPING and USE_TAXES must have the SAME value. Either Y or N.
  4. WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE has the value "X"". 'AUTH' or 'SALE' must be a paid credit card transactions, otherwise, it must be empty.
  5. WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE has the value "AUTH"". But, the Amount Already Paid or Merchant Transaction ID is Missing.
  6. WARNING: PAYMENT_TYPE has the value "SALE"". But, the Amount Already Paid or Merchant Transaction ID is Missing.
  7. WARNING: EMAIL has the value "X". E-mail address must be in the format username@domain.com.
  8. WARNING: NO_SOLICITING has the value "X". NO_SOLICITING must be either '1' '0' or empty.
  9. WARNING: BILL_ZIPCODE has the value "#". Zipcode must have no more than 10 characters.
  10. WARNING: COUNTRY has the value "X". Country code is Invalid.
  11. WARNING: SHIPPING_DATE has the value "". Shipping Date must be supplied when the Order is Already FullFilled.
  12. WARNING: SHIPPING_CARRIER has the value "". Shipping Carrier must be supplied when the Order is Already FullFilled.
  13. WARNING: TRACKING NUMBER has the value "". Tracking Number must be supplied when the Order is Already FullFilled.
  14. WARNING: TRACKING NUMBER has the value "". Tracking Number must be supplied when the Order is Already FullFilled.
  15. WARNING: ORDER_DATE has the value "X". ORDER_DATE must be a valid date.
  16. WARNING: ORDER_DATE has the value "X". ORDER_DATE cannot be greater than {CURRENT DATE}
  17. WARNING: ORDER_HOLD_DATE has the value "X". ORDER_HOLD_DATE must be a valid date.
  18. WARNING: ORDER_HOLD_DATE has the value "X". Hold date must be greater than today for paid orders.
  19. WARNING: MERCHANT_TRANSACTION_ID has the value "". Authorized orders must have a transaction id from the merchant processor.
  20. WARNING: PAYMENT_METHOD has the value "X" Payment method must be either 'CC', 'CK', 'MO', 'PC', or 'IN'.
  21. WARNING: PAY_PROC_ACCT must have a value if you are passing a value in TOKEN.
  22. WARNING: CC_NUMBER has the value "X". Credit Card number must have no more than 16 characters.
  23. WARNING: EXP_DATE has the value "X". The Expiration Date is Malformed.
  24. WARNING: EXP_DATE has the value "X". The Expiration Date Month is Incorrect.
  25. WARNING: EXP_DATE has the value "X". This Expiration Date is Expired or Malformed.

Amount Validation:
  1. WARNING: The discount price is greater than the product amount.
  2. WARNING: Imported item price of "X.XX" does not match the OLX price of "X.XX" for this item (Price validation enabled).
  3. WARNING: While trying to adjust item level pricing, could not arrive at the specified order level discount. The remaining unshifted difference was: X.XX
  4. WARNING: While trying to adjust item level pricing, could not arrive at the specified order total. The remaining unshifted difference was: X.XX
  5. WARNING: SHIPPING has the value "X.XX". Shipping must match this order's calculated amount "X.XX".
  6. WARNING: ORDER_STATE_SALES_TAX has the value "X.XX". State tax must match this order's calculated amount "X.XX".
  7. WARNING: ORDER_FEDERAL_SALES_TAX has the value "X.XX". Federal tax must match this order's calculated amount "X.XX".
  8. WARNING: ORDER_SUBTOTAL has the value "X.XX". Subtotal must match this order's calculated amount "X.XX".
  9. WARNING: ORDER_TOTAL has the value "X.XX". Total must match this order's calculated amount "X.XX".
  10. WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "X.XX". Amount paid must match sum of the item's paid amount of "X.XX".
  11. WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "X.XX". Amount paid must match this order's calculated amount of "X.XX".
  12. WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "X.XX". Amount paid must match this order's calculated amount of "0.00"
  13. WARNING: AMOUNT_ALREADY_PAID has the value "X.XX". Amount paid must match this order's calculated amount of "X.XX" OR the amount of just the first installments of "X.XX".

  1. SEVERE: StartIndex cannot be less than zero. Parameter name: startIndex
  2. SEVERE: Could not create Batch
  3. SEVERE: Order does not have a payment processing account associated with it.
  4. SEVERE: Unable to set PRODUCT# from {CURRENT ITEM STATUS} to Item Pending.
  5. SEVERE: Unable to set PRODUCT# from {CURRENT ITEM STATUS} to Item Pay Ready.
  6. SEVERE: Unable to set PRODUCT# from {CURRENT ITEM STATUS} to Item Awaiting Authorization.
  7. SEVERE: Unable to set PRODUCT# from {CURRENT ITEM STATUS} to Item Paid.
  8. SEVERE: Unable to release PRODUCT# from hold.
  9. SEVERE: Unable to set PRODUCT# from {CURRENT ITEM STATUS} to Ship Ready.
  10. SEVERE: Unable to set PRODUCT# from {CURRENT ITEM STATUS} to Shipment Delivered.
  11. SEVERE: Could not add order to mom import batch
  12. SEVERE: Could not add Statistics
  13. FUNCTION: updateBatch - Error Updating tblMOMImportBatch
  14. SEVERE: Could Not Add a Payment Transaction.
  15. SEVERE: No credit card processing auth account but there are paid credit card orders.
  16. SEVERE: No credit card processing settle account but there are paid credit card orders.
  17. SEVERE: No telecheck processing account but there are paid telecheck orders.
  18. SEVERE: No check or money order processing account but there are paid check or money order orders.
  19. SEVERE: No (other) processing accounts but there are paid orders not of type credit card, telecheck, check, or money orders.
  20. SEVERE: Unable to lookup order for duplication detection.
  21. SEVERE: Unable to lookup customer for duplication detection.
  22. SEVERE: There are # DUPLICATE ENTRIES for Customer: {BILL FIRST NAME BILL LAST NAME} - Enter Order Manually
  23. SEVERE: More than one customer match, please select more specific filtering criteria.
  24. SEVERE: Exception occurred during tax calculation. Message logged to system event log.
  25. SEVERE: ACH_BANK_NAME is required and can not be empty.
  26. SEVERE: ERROR in Function: LoadMomOrderLine Conversion from string "NO_SOLICITING" to type 'Integer' is not valid.
  27. SEVERE: The payment type is credit card but the credit card number is invalid.

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