Conducting your first Manual Entry

Conducting your first Manual Entry.

In this section you'll learn how to create new assets and their associated details. We will then apply manual test results to those assets which will show in the organiser view; enabling you to quickly create great looking reports. You determine exactly how much detail you want to add to these functions. PATorganiser makes manual testing easy for you.

Select "Manual Entry" from the main menu bar

You can now quickly create a "New" client, site and location
Click create and open to view the new client.

The new Client, Site and Location will now show in the Organiser tree

You are now ready to add Asset and test details with as much detail as you like.

Click on "Create New Asset and Test".

Your new Asset and test now show in the Organiser Tree (click on overview for details)
You can now at this point edit any details of the test that you wish.

Your new Asset and test now show in the Organiser Tree (click on overview for details)
You can now at this point edit any details of the test that you wish.
You are now ready to add more assets and tests.