Connect your Portable Appliance Tester with PATorganiser Connect

Connect your Portable Appliance Tester with PATorganiser Connect

To connect your Portable Appliance Tester with PATorganiser Connect:

Begin by opening PATorganiser Connect

After opening PATorganiser Connect click on the settings wheel and select settings

Configuring the Settings for PATorganiser Connect

  1. Select your Tester's Manufacturer from the drop down list of compatible testers
  2. Select your Testers Model
  3. Select the correct COM Port (please refer to your particular download guide for this information on the PATorganiser website)
  4. Select the correct Baud Rate (please refer to your particular download guide for this information on the PATorganiser website)
  5. Enter your PATorganiser username (your email address) (you will only need to do this once)
  6. Enter your PATorganiser password (you will only need to do this once)
  7. Test your Login details (you will only need to do this once)
  8. Select Back

You are now ready to start downloading to PATorganiser