How to import an existing database

How to import an existing database

You can directly import your old databases into PATorganiser. You can import data from any legacy Test and Tag management software as long as you can export as CSV files.

Databases you can import

  1. Seaward PATguard database files
  2. SimplyPATS database files
  3. Metrel PATlink database files
  4. Megger PAT database files
  5. First Stop Memory PAT database files
  6. Robin SmartPAT database files
  7. KewTech database files
  8. Sonel database files
  9. Fluke database files
  10. Excel Simple and Advanced templates (simply download our Templates from within PATorganiser)
Contact PATorganiser Support for any other database you may wish to import

How to import your database

  1. Select More
  2. Import Database

Choose which format of database you wish to import and follow the prompts.

Depending on the size of the database you are importing this function may take some time to complete.