Archive Profiles

Archive Profiles

Your Archive Profile is where you can describe the person, organization, group, or family that your archive is about. Here, you can change the the name of the archive, add a biography, birth date and location, and list important dates, or milestones, related to the person, organization, or family. Fill out as much or as little information as you want, and select whether the information in the profile is public or private. Share your profile link with family and friends.

Navigating to your archive profile

You can access your Archive Profile in the left side menu by clicking the arrow to expand the archive menu and clicking Archive Profile. 

To navigate back to your workspace from your Archive Profile, click the arrow in the top left corner of the screen.

Creating your Archive Profile

The fields provided in your Archive Profile may change slightly depending on if the archive is a Person archive, an Organization archive, or a Family archive. The only required field is the name of the archive, which will already be filled out with the information you provided when you created the archive. You can change the name of the archive at any time from this page.

You currently cannot change the type (Person, Organization, or Family) of archive once it is set during archive creation. You will need to create a new archive if you would like a different type of archive.

The first section is information about the archive. Here, you can change the name of the archive and provide a short description of the purpose of the archive and a summary or biography about the person, family, or organization.

In the second section, you can fill out the Person information, the Family information, or the Organization information, depending on the type of archive. This is biographical information about the subject of the archive, including information such as the full name, date and location of birth or formation, nicknames, and gender.

The third section is where you can share your online presence, such as email addresses and social media pages.

In the last section, you can add milestones about the person, family, or organization. Milestones capture any significant event in the history of the archive, and are ordered from most recent to least recent. You can add as many milestones as you wish by clicking the Add Milestone button, and you can remove milestones by clicking the Remove Milestone button.

Adding a Profile Photo and Banner

Your profile photo and banner can add personalization to your archive. Both your profile photo and your banner appear at the top of your Archive Profile and your Public Archive, and your profile photo appears in your Archive Workspace.

Y ou can add or change the photographs for your profile by clicking Change Photo or Change Banner (or Add Photo or Add Banner) on the Archive Profile page. You can only choose photos that are currently in your archive, so if the photo you wish to use is not in your archive, you will need to upload it first. 

When you click on the the photo or banner to change it, a window will pop up where you can select the correct file you wish to use.

At this time, images for the profile photo and banner cannot be cropped or resized in Permanent.  However, the approximate size of the profile photo is 500px by 500px. The banner picture varies in size depending on the browser the profile is open in, but has a maximum height of 300px.

Making your Archive Profile Private or Public

At the top of the page where you can fill out your Archive Profile, you can select whether you want your profile publicly visible or private.

Setting your profile visibility to public makes all fields in your profile publicly available. This is helpful if you have a Public Archive and want to include more information and description about who the Public Archive is about. 

Setting your profile visibility to private makes most of the fields in your profile only available to you (the archive owner) and any members of your archive. This is helpful if you want to provide more information about who your archive is about, but do not wish to share that information online publicly. Please note that the following fields are always publicly available:
  1. the name of your archive
  2. the description of your archive (the "Tell us about this person/organization/family" field)
Any other fields will be hidden from the public view of your Archive Profile if your profile is set to private.

We are currently working on making changes to the Archive Profile to allow you to further customize which fields you want to make public and those you wish to keep private. Be on the lookout for those changes!

Viewing and sharing your Archive Profile

Your Archive Profile is like a landing page for your Public Archive. You can view and share your Archive Profile by clicking the View on Web button or Share Profile button at the top of the Archive Profile page.

You can also navigate between your Public Archive and your Archive Profile by clicking the button at the right side of the Public Archive or Archive Profile.

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