How do you calculate the sales reporting data?

How do you calculate the KDP reporting data?

Amazon report data is calculated in a number of ways. Here's the breakdown:

  • All amounts in our reports are estimates. There are no means to provide you with precise information due to exchange rate data, but the amounts should be within a reasonable range (~5%).
  • Here are more details on the exchange rates:
    • The exchange rate data used by KDP is not provided in any of their reports. This means that the values you see in our reports will not be 100% accurate. It will be close, but since the exchange rates vary hourly, there is no way to know the prices exchange rates at the moment KDP made their final payout.
    • AHS stores the exchange rate for the last day of the month for each month past. This will be used to estimage sales data on all past reports. Again, please note that it is impossible for us to match the exchange rate at the moment that KDP has made their final payout for any month.
    • For more recent data pulls from KDP (90 days or less), the exchange used is based on the current exchange rate. This rate is updated every two hours to ensure up-to-date information.
  • The historical data that you download from KDP on the Past Months' Royalty tab on the KDP Reports Dashboard has all of the financial data embedded. So we take precisely the values within to calculate your eBook sales numbers, paperback sales numbers, KENP pages read, and the amounts KDP states that they paid out to you for that month. We then multiply the values by the stored exchange rate for that month to provide you with an estimated value.
  • Recent data downloaded from KDP (90 days or less) has no integrated amounts for KENP page rates. This means that we must calculate your data based on two possibilities:
    • A fixed rate that you set in the AHS settings area for your account. When you set this amount, we will use that to calculate your KENP page amounts. You may set this to whatever you feel is reasonable. Note: You must put this amount in your selected currency.
    • An estimated amount based upon the average over the last three months of known data. For example, if the last three months KENP page rates for the US were $0.0047, $0.0050, and $0.0048, we would use the average of $0.0048 (rounded accordingly). Note: The system will make sure that the calculated amount will be in your selected currency.