Creating a Survey from RebusCode Templates

Creating a Survey from RebusCode Templates

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Copy Survey From RebusCloud Template Search

To copy surveys from a RebusCode Template, go to the Create a new Survey page and click on any one of the RebusCloud Templates, say, Customer Experience.

A new template window opens up. In the screen below, a list of all the Customer Experience templates show up in a pop up window.

Select any of the templates you require from the list. I have selected the Net Promoter_Single  Question template from the list above. On selection of this, all the surveys under that template show up in the right pane. Select the one you require for your project.

On selecting any one of the question (in this case, Single Question), you will see a description of the survey and if there was any whitepaper attached to this project, you will be able to download it by clicking on the “Download Whitepaper” link under Attachments. If the user has been given access to view the Project’s Survey and Dashboard, the 2 icons will appear under the Preview section. On clicking the Dashboard icon, the dashboard of that project will open up for viewing in a separate window. Users can only view and not edit the dashboard. They can also preview the survey in a new window by clicking on the survey icon, as shown in the screen below.

Clicking on the Next button opens up the “Create a new Survey” form in a new window.

Once the user fills up all the fields and clicks on the Done button, the project gets created and shows up under the My Surveys section.


 Users can also search for templates from which they want to copy the survey from. Just type the template text in the Search box and click on the Search icon.

The results then show up in a separate window under Template Search. Select the template you want to copy from and then click Next. This brings up the Survey creation form, from which you can create your Survey.

Tip: To see what are the available RebusCloud Templates, go to Templates.

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