Configuration Guide

Configuration Guide

If you have already received your new device here is the quick guide to configure it, it's very easy and it will take you no more than 3 minutes:
  • Connect the device to the mains.
  • Wait for the red light to blink.
  • Press the light grids (you will notice a button) until the blue light is flashing and the red light is fixed (see image).
  • Find the Wi-Fi network "Roomonitor + ID" in the Wi-Fi section of your device and connect to that network (the ID is the number you will find under the barcode).
  • Once connected to that network, we go to the browser and put the URL
  • Select the "Configure WiFi" option.
  • Find the WiFi network of the apartment and enter the password. Click on "SAVE".
  • The following text will appear: "Credentials Saved. Trying to connect ESP to network. If it fails reconnect to AP to try again".
  • If everything went well in about 15 seconds, the device lights will go out, which means that the device is connected!

After you follow the last steps it will take like around 3 minutes to appear as connected in our panel.
Do not hesitate to write us a ticket if you need any help.