Are There Faster Ways to Complete Dosing Tasks?

Are There Faster Ways to Complete Dosing Tasks?

If you are dosing many animals at a time in Data Collection, it can be cumbersome to click the check box for each animal you want dosed. A quick and easy way to do this is by clicking on the box you want to mark as done and then pressing the spacebar. Additionally, there are a couple of shortcuts to expedite the process. Here’s how they work:

Mark Dosing Tasks As Done:

1. Mark Dosing Tasks as Done allows you to mark specific dosing tasks as complete. To access this window, press [Mark Dosing Tasks As Done]

2. Check the boxes for the animals you want to mark as dosed. You can filter by groups, individual animals, cages, or cohorts.

Apply To:

Note: This is reproduced from the article “How Do I Use the "Apply To" Buttons in Data Collection?” For more information on that functionality, please refer to that article.

1. Apply To can be used for flag-type tasks, such as Dosing tasks. Click the box on an animal to indicate it has been dosed, then right-click on the box to open the Apply To menu:

Group Dosing Tasks:

Note: This is reproduced from the article “How to Group Articles in Data Collection”. For more information on that functionality, please refer to that article.

1. By default, on the Data Collection screen, each article has its own column, and the animals that are not assigned that article are greyed out while the others are shown in white.

To group these articles, press Options > Group Dosing Tasks.

2. Now the tasks will be displayed in a consolidated form.

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