As a project developer, how do I choose between GS Verified Emission Reductions (VERs) and GS Renewable Energy Labels for my renewable energy projects?

As a project developer, how do I choose between GS Verified Emission Reductions (VERs) and GS Renewable Energy Labels for my renewable energy projects?

Projects that follow a Gold Standard approved Emissions Reduction methodology and verified emission reduction (VER) Product Requirements, in addition to the Renewable Energy Activity Requirements and Renewable Energy Labelling Product Requirements, will be able to choose between Gold Standard Renewable Energy labels and Gold Standard VERs at Issuance.  Which to choose is entirely at the discretion of the project developer based on the demand they see from buyers.  Project developers have the flexibility to issue a combination of VERs and International renewable energy certificates (I-RECs) from the same project – deciding which label to attribute to each MWh.