General Settings options

General Settings options

Theme Support

License Key

To properly and legally use the theme, enter your license key in this text area of the License tab. Your unique license key is located inside the zip file that you downloaded when you purchased the theme. No license yet? Buy one for 1, 3 or 10 stores here.


We're adding integration with other apps. This way you don't have to modify your theme when you install them. So far we only have the Product Reviews app, but we'll be adding more based on your requests.


This is where you select your type of cart (page, drawer or popup).

Learn more about the Cart options here.

Currency converter

No need to install any app. Simply use our built-in currency switcher.

Countdown offer

To add the countdown offer to a product page, inside the Add to cart button to be more precise, just tag your product with 'countdown-{days}-{hours}-{minutes}'.
Eg. countdown-0-2-30 the timer will end in 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Deal of the day

Learn more about the Deal of the day feature here.


Add your custom favicon.


Fixed header

A fixed header (or sticky header) stays fixed to the top of the screen when you are scrolling down.

Product Card

The Product card is an individual item in product lists such as products on collection pages, featured products, related products...
  • Hide long product title (use fade out effect for text that doesn't fit so product cards have equal height)

  • Add margin on mobile. It adds empty space between a product card and edge of the screen. This is especially useful when you select the "2 products per row" option instead of the "1 product per row" option. 


Use the Misc section to insert custom scripts from other apps for example. This code included at the bottom of the page on each page load. Note: you need to wrap it with <script>your_code_here</script> tag if this is JavaScript code.

Product Tabs

Add tabbed content inside your product pages.

Create some tabs

Browse any product page within the theme editor and click on the Product page section.

Scroll down to TABS and check the Use tabs box. Below, click Add content and select Tab. Add a tab title and select a blog in the dropdown.

Create a new post for the content of this tab.

Add some content (using blog posts)

Make sure you select the right blog in the dropdown next to "Author". By default it's "News".

Make sure the post visibility is set to Visible, not Hidden.

Tag the blog post with the product title or product handle where you want to display this tab. You can tag more than one product.

You can also tag the collection name or collection handle and the tab will be displayed in all the product pages that are part of this collection. You can tag more than one collection.

To display the tab on all products, use the this tag: `product-all` or `collection-all`.

Repeat the steps above if you want each product (or collection) to have its own tabs, as well as its own tabs content. If any post is duplicated, only the most recent will be displayed.

Shipping rates calculator

Allow your customer to calculate shipping costs before going to the checkout page. If your customer is logged-in, the country in his default shipping address will be selected. If you are not sure about the spelling to use here, refer to the first checkout page.

Social Media

Social profiles

Social sharing

Custom image when the main store URL is shared on Facebook

Typography (fonts)

We predefined a list of recommended and popular Google fonts, as well as a list of other fonts.
  • Heading & button fonts

  • Body text fonts

Variant Swatches

All details about variant swatches are in the Product page article.


You can customize the look of the top of your checkout page.

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