Java SDK Samples

Java SDK Samples

Module APIs

Get List Of Modules - List<ZCRMModule>

  1. ZCRMRestClient client = ZCRMRestClient.getInstance();
  2. BulkAPIResponse response = client.getAllModules();
  3. List<ZCRMModule> modules = (List<ZCRMModule>) response.getData();

Meta data APIs

Module Meta Data - ZCRMModule

  1. ZCRMRestClient client = ZCRMRestClient.getInstance();
  2. APIResponse response = client.getModule("Products");//module api name
  3. ZCRMModule module = (ZCRMModule) response.getData();

Field Meta Data - List<ZCRMField>

  1. ZCRMModule module = ZCRMModule.getInstance("Products"); // module apiname
  2. BulkAPIResponse response = module.getAllFields();
  3. List<ZCRMField> fields = (List<ZCRMField>)response.getData();

Layout with ID - ZCRMLayout

  1. ZCRMModule module = ZCRMModule.getInstance("Products");// module apiname
  2. APIResponse response = module.getLayoutDetails(12345690l);//layoutID
  3. ZCRMLayout layout = (ZCRMLayout) response.getData();

Layouts - List<ZCRMLayout>

  1. ZCRMModule module = ZCRMModule.getInstance("Products"); // module apiname
  2. BulkAPIResponse response = module.getLayouts();
  3. List<ZCRMLayout> layouts = (List<ZCRMLayout>) response.getData();
  1. APIResponse response = MetaDataAPIHandler.getInstance().getModule("Products");//module api name
  2. ZCRMModule module = (ZCRMModule) response.getData();
  3. List<ZCRMModuleRelation> relationList = module.getRelatedLists();

Custom Views - List<ZCRMCustomView>

  1. ZCRMModule module = ZCRMModule.getInstance("Contacts");// module api name
  2. BulkAPIResponse response = module.getCustomViews();
  3. List<ZCRMCustomView> customViews = (List<ZCRMCustomView>) response.getData();

Single Custom View - ZCRMCustomView

  1. ZCRMModule module = ZCRMModule.getInstance("Contacts");
  2. APIResponse response = module.getCustomView(98658369836l);
  3. ZCRMCustomView customView = (ZCRMCustomView) response.getData();

Users APIs

Get Users - List<ZCRMUser>

  1. ZCRMRestClient client = ZCRMRestClient.getInstance();
  2. BulkAPIResponse response =
  3. client.getOrganisationInstance().getAllUsers();
  4. List<ZCRMUser> users = (List<ZCRMUser>) response.getData());

Get Single User with Data - ZCRMUser

  1. ZCRMRestClient client = ZCRMRestClient.getInstance();
  2. APIResponse response = client.getOrganisationInstance().getUser(123456789l);//userID
  3. ZCRMUser user = (ZCRMUser) response.getData();

Get All Admin Users - List<ZCRMUser>

  1. ZCRMRestClient client = ZCRMRestClient.getInstance();
  2. BulkAPIResponse response = client.getOrganisationInstance().getAllAdminUsers();
  3. List<ZCRMUser> users = (List<ZCRMUser>) response.getData();

Get All Active Users - List<ZCRMUser>

  1. ZCRMRestClient client = ZCRMRestClient.getInstance();
  2. BulkAPIResponse response = client.getOrganisationInstance().getAllActiveUsers();
  3. List<ZCRMUser> users = (List<ZCRMUser>) response.getData();

Get All InActive Users - List<ZCRMUser>

  1. ZCRMRestClient client = ZCRMRestClient.getInstance();
  2. BulkAPIResponse response = client.getOrganisationInstance().getAllInActiveUsers();
  3. List<ZCRMUser> users = (List<ZCRMUser>)response.getData();

Organization APIs

Organization Data - ZCRMOrganization

  1. ZCRMRestClient client = ZCRMRestClient.getInstance();
  2. APIResponse response = client.getOrganization();
  3. ZCRMOrganization org = (ZCRMOrganization) response.getData();

Record APIs

List of records - List<ZCRMRecord>

  1. ZCRMModule module = ZCRMModule.getInstance("Products");
  2. BulkAPIResponse response = module.getRecords(425476547854l, "Company",
  3. CommonUtil.SortOrder.asc, 1, 4); // get Records with cvID, sortField, sortOrder, startIndex and endIndex.
  4. List<ZCRMRecord> records = (List<ZCRMRecord>)response.getData();

Insert Records - List<ZCRMRecord>

  1. List<ZCRMRecord> records = new ArrayList<>();
  2. ZCRMRecord record1 = new ZCRMRecord("Products"); //module api name
  3. ZCRMUser owner = ZCRMUser.getInstance(12345678l); // user id
  4. record1.setOwner(owner);
  5. record1.setFieldValue("Product_Name", "mass_create1"); // field api name with its value
  6. ZCRMRecord record2 = new ZCRMRecord("Products"); //module api name
  7. ZCRMUser owner = ZCRMUser.getInstance(5676875678l); // user id
  8. record2.setOwner(owner);
  9. record2.setFieldValue("Product_Name", "mass_create2"); // field api name with its value
  10. records.add(record1);
  11. records.add(record2)
  12. ZCRMModule module = ZCRMModule.getInstance("Products"); //module api name
  13. BulkAPIResponse response = module.createRecords(records);
  14. List<ZCRMRecord> insertedRecords = (List<ZCRMRecord>) response.getData();
  15. List<BulkAPIResponse.EntityResponse> entityResponses = response.getEntityResponses(); // to check the status of the request
  16. String rec1Status = entityResponses.get(0).getStatus(); //check status of record 1
  17. String rec2Status = entityResponses.get(1).getStatus(); //check status of record 2

Update Records - List<ZCRMRecord>

  1. List<Long> entityIDs = new ArrayList<>(); // list of record ids
  2. entityIDs.add(426000621092l);
  3. entityIDs.add(426859000010l);
  4. ZCRMModule module = ZCRMModule.getInstance("Products"); //module api name
  5. BulkAPIResponse response = (ZCRMRecord) module.updateRecords(entityIDs,"Product_Name","massUpdate").getData(); // field api name with its value to update
  6. List<ZCRMRecord> updatedRecords = (List<ZCRMRecord>) response.getData();
  7. List<BulkAPIResponse.EntityResponse> entityResponses = response.getEntityResponses(); // to check the status of the request
  8. String rec1Status = entityResponses.get(0).getStatus(); //check status of record 1
  9. String rec2Status = entityResponses.get(1).getStatus(); //check status of record 2

Insert or Update (Upsert) - List<ZCRMRecord>

  1. List records = new ArrayList<>();
  2. ZCRMRecord record1 = new ZCRMRecord("Leads"); // module api name
  3. record.setFieldValue("Company", “Zylker”);
  4. record.setFieldValue("First_name", “Daly”);
  5. record.setFieldValue("Last_Name", “Paul”);
  6. record.setFieldValue("Email", “”);
  7. record.setFieldValue("State", “Texas”);
  8. ZCRMRecord record2 = new ZCRMRecord("Leads"); // module api name
  9. record.setFieldValue("Company", “ekhrj”);
  10. record.setFieldValue("First_name", “John”);
  11. record.setFieldValue("Last_Name", “smith”);
  12. record.setFieldValue("Email", “”);
  13. record.setFieldValue("State", “Texas”);
  14. records.add(record1);
  15. records.add(record2);
  16. ZCRMModule module = ZCRMModule.getInstance("Leads"); //module api name
  17. BulkAPIResponse response = module.upsert(records);
  18. List<ZCRMRecord> upsertedRecords = (List<ZCRMRecord>) response.getData();
  19. List<BulkAPIResponse.EntityResponse> entityResponses = response.getEntityResponses();// to check the status of the request
  20. String rec1Status = entityResponses.get(0).getStatus();//check status of record 1
  21. String rec2Status = entityResponses.get(1).getStatus();//check status of record 2

Get List of Deleted Records - List<ZCRMRecord>

  1. ZCRMModule module = ZCRMModule.getInstance("Leads"); //module api name
  2. BulkAPIResponse response = module.getAllDeletedRecords();
  3. List<ZCRMRecord> deletedRecords = (List<ZCRMRecord>) response.getData();
  4. BulkAPIResponse response = module.getRecycleBinRecords();
  5. BulkAPIResponse response = module.getPermanentlyDeletedRecords();

Search Records - List<ZCRMRecord>

  1. ZCRMModule module = ZCRMModule.getInstance("Products"); // module api name
  2. BulkAPIResponse response = module.searchRecords("xyz", 1, 4);// get search records with page and per page count
  3. List<ZCRMRecord> records = (List<ZCRMRecord>) response.getData(); // search string

Single Record APIs

Get a Specific Record - ZCRMRecord

  1. ZCRMModule module = ZCRMModule.getInstance("Products");//module api name
  2. APIResponse response = module.getRecord(1234567890l);//record id
  3. ZCRMRecord record = (ZCRMRecord) response.getData();

Update a Specific Record - ZCRMRecord

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Products",1234567l);// module api name with its record id
  2. record.setFieldValue("Product_Name","name");// field api name with the value to be updated
  3. ZCRMRecord lookup = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Vendors",123456789l); // vendor module api name with its record id
  4. record.setFieldValue("Vendor_Name", lookup);
  5. APIResponse response = record.update();
  6. ZCRMRecord updatedRecord = (ZCRMRecord) response.getData();
  7. String recStatus = response.getStatus(); // check status of the record

Insert a new Record - ZCRMRecord

  1. ZCRMRecord record = new ZCRMRecord("Products"); // module api name
  2. ZCRMUser owner = ZCRMUser.getInstance(123456789l);// userId with userName
  3. record.setOwner(owner);
  4. record.setFieldValue("Product_Name", “Cello”);
  5. record.setFieldValue("Product_Code", “c21”);
  6. ZCRMRecord product = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Products",389468745784l);
  7. ZCRMInventoryLineItem zcrmInventoryLineItem = new
  8. ZCRMInventoryLineItem(product);
  9. zcrmInventoryLineItem.setQuantity(15.00);
  10. zcrmInventoryLineItem.setDescription("description");
  11. zcrmInventoryLineItem.setDiscount(12.00);
  12. zcrmInventoryLineItem.setDiscountPercentage(20.0);
  13. zcrmInventoryLineItem.setListPrice(280.0);
  14. ZCRMTax tax = ZCRMTax.getInstance("SalesTax");
  15. tax1.setPercentage(5);
  16. zcrmInventoryLineItem.addLineTax(tax);
  17. record.addLineItem(zcrmInventoryLineItem);
  18. APIResponse response = record.create();
  19. ZCRMRecord createdRecord = (ZCRMRecord) response.getData();
  20. String recStatus = response.getStatus();

Delete a Specific Record - ZCRMRecord

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Products",12347986875l);//module api name with record id
  2. APIResponse response = record.delete();
  3. String recStatus = response.getStatus();

Convert Lead - HashMap with ID's of Accounts, Deals and Contacts

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Leads",3247354544l);//module api name with record id
  2. HashMap<String,Long> map = record.convert(); //return
  3. ("Accounts":"42685937005","Deals":null,"Contacts":"42685937007")
  4. Long accountsId = map.get("Accounts");
  5. Long dealsId = map.get("Deals");
  6. Long contactsId = map.get("Contacts");

Convert with potential

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Leads",3247354544l);//module api name with record id
  2. ZCRMRecord potential = new ZCRMRecord("Potentials");
  3. potential.setFieldValue("Potential_Name","xys");
  4. potential.setFieldValue("Account_Name","xyz");
  5. potential.setFieldValue("Closing_Date","2017-11-09T14:44:04+05:30");
  6. potential.setFieldValue("Stage","Qualification");
  7. potential.setFieldValue("Contact_Role","Purchasing");
  8. HashMap<String,Long> map = record.convert(potential);// return
  9. ("Accounts":"426858077","Deals":"426850938081","Contacts":"426859079")
  10. Long accountsId = map.get("Accounts");
  11. Long dealsId = map.get("Deals");
  12. Long contactsId = map.get("Contacts");

Convert with potential and user

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Leads",3247354544l);//module api name with record id
  2. ZCRMRecord potential = new ZCRMRecord("Potentials");
  3. potential.setFieldValue("Potential_Name","xys");
  4. potential.setFieldValue("Account_Name","xyz");
  5. potential.setFieldValue("Closing_Date","2017-11-09T14:44:04+05:30");
  6. potential.setFieldValue("Stage","Qualification");
  7. potential.setFieldValue("Contact_Role","Purchasing");
  8. ZCRMUser user = ZCRMUser.getInstance(426859003l); // user id
  9. HashMap<String,Long> map = record.convert(potential,user); // return
  10. ("Accounts":"4268590077","Deals":"42000938081","Contacts":"426858079")
  11. Long accountsId = map.get("Accounts");
  12. Long dealsId = map.get("Deals");
  13. Long contactsId = map.get("Contacts");

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Leads",410888000000698006);//module api name with record id
  2. BulkAPIResponse response = record.getRelatedListRecords("Notes");
  3. List<ZCRMNote> notes = (List<ZCRMNote>) response.getData();//relatedList name
  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Leads",41080698006);//module api name with record id
  2. APIResponse response = record.addRelation("Related_list_apiname",related_record_id);
  3. String recStatus = response.getStatus(); //check status of the update relation
  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Leads",41080698006);//module api name with record id
  2. APIResponse response = record.deleteRelation("Related_list_apiname",related_record_id);
  3. String recStatus = response.getStatus(); //check status of the delete relation

Notes APIs

Create Specific Notes - ZCRMNote

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Products",23857634545l);//module api name with record id
  2. ZCRMNote note = new ZCRMNote(record);
  3. note.setContent("test msg");
  4. note.setTitle("test class notes");
  5. APIResponse response = record.addNote(note);
  6. ZCRMNote createdNote = (ZCRMNote) response.getData();
  7. String recStatus =response.getStatus();

Get Specific Notes Data - List<ZCRMNote>

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Products",23857634545l);//module api name with record id
  2. BulkAPIResponse response = record.getNotes();
  3. List<ZCRMNote> notes = (List<ZCRMNote>) response.getData()

Update Notes - ZCRMNote

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Products",23857634545l);//module api name with record id
  2. ZCRMNote note = ZCRMNote.getInstance(record,374968745l);// notesID
  3. note.setContent("update message");
  4. APIResponse response = record.updateNote(note);
  5. ZCRMNote updatedNote = (ZCRMNote) response.getData();
  6. String recStatus =response.getStatus();

Delete Notes - ZCRMNote

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Products",23857634545l);//module api name with record id
  2. ZCRMNote note = ZCRMNote.getInstance(record,4658757465l);//NotesID
  3. APIResponse response = record.deleteNote(note);
  4. ZCRMNote deletedNote = (ZCRMNote) response.getData();
  5. String recStatus =response.getStatus();

Files and Attachments APIs

Get List of Attachments - List<ZCRMAttachment>

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Products",23857634545l);//module api name with record id
  2. BulkAPIResponse response = record.getAllAttachmentsDetails();
  3. List<ZCRMAttachment> list = ((List<ZCRMAttachment>) response.getData());

Upload an Attachment - ZCRMAttachment

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Products",23857634545l);//module api name with record id
  2. APIResponse response = record.uploadAttachment("FilePath");
  3. ZCRMAttachment uploadAttachment = (ZCRMAttachment) response.getData();
  4. String requestStatus =response.getStatus();

Download an attachment - FileAsStream

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Products",23857634545l);//module api name with record id
  2. FileAPIResponse response = this.record.downloadAttachment(476487548348l);//attachmentID
  3. InputStream inputStream = response.getFileAsStream();
  4. CommonUtil.saveStreamAsFile(inputStream,
  5. "PathToSaveDownloadedFile",response.getFileName());

Upload a Photo - NULL

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Contacts", 975824386248l);//module apiname with record id
  2. APIResponse response = record.uploadPhoto("ImagePath");
  3. String requestStatus =response.getStatus();

Download a Photo - FileAsStream

  1. ZCRMRecord record = ZCRMRecord.getInstance("Contacts",426857003l);//module api name with record id
  2. FileAPIResponse response = record.downloadPhoto();
  3. InputStream inputStream = response.getFileAsStream();
  4. CommonUtil.saveStreamAsFile(inputStream, "PathToSaveDownloadedPhoto", "image_name.png");

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