Welcome to the VC Community Forum!

Welcome to the VC Community Forum!

Welcome to your VC Community Forum! 

One of the strengths of Victorian Collections has always been the community that supports it. Now we're providing a space for our users to interact, problem-solve and share that support with one another. If you're looking for answers, want to share a great resource or looking for advice on broader collection management issues, this forum is your go-to place for solutions and inspiration. 

To troubleshoot a technical function of the VC Collection Management System, you may like to head to our Knowledge Base first. The Knowledge Base contains articles relating to common errors and solutions with step-by-step guidance. If your query is not addressed, you can create a ticket for one of our team members to resolve. This ticket may then be added to our Knowledge Base for other VC users to read. 

For broader questions about collection management, volunteer roles, experiences in renovating a collection store and much more, we encourage you to draw on the wealth of information held by our community. 

Please be respectful of your fellow VC users in commenting on forum posts. 
We know that Victorian Collections users create wonderful networks in their communities and generously offer their knowledge and experience to users and non-users alike. We hope you will bring this supportive attitude to the forum.

Please use this space for support only.
This is a space for technical or practical support but not a place to discuss trading or valuation of collection items. Any posts containing solicitation may be removed by the Victorian Collections team.

We look forward to learning and sharing with you!

Happy cataloguing, 

The Victorian Collections Team