How to Add a Sensor Back to a Project that has been Deleted

How to Add a Sensor Back to a Project that has been Deleted

If you want to add a Sensor back to a Project, these are the steps to follow:

1) Open your Project in HardTrack Desktop

2) Add the Device that contains the Sensor to your Project. 
By adding a Device to your Project that is already added to your Project, any missing Sensors will be added back.  You can delete any Sensors that you do not want later.

You will see the missing Sensors added back to your project.  In this case, we wanted to add back the Ambient (AMB) Box sensor:

3) Delete any sensors that you do not want, that have been added back to your project
If there are any additional Sensors that got added back that you do not want, you can delete them by Highlighting them and then Clicking Sensors, Delete Sensor

4) Start Logging on the Device that you have added Sensors back to

You will not have to Swipe the Magnet if your Device is already Logging.
If your project contains more than one Device, you do not have to Start Logging on for other Devices.  If you do start Logging, everything will be fine.

Your Project will Save now and you will see that the Sensor you wanted to add back to your Project is now displaying.