How to Change the Default Temperature setting from °F to °C or from °C to °F in HardTrack Desktop

How to Change the Default Temperature setting from °F to °C or from °C to °F in HardTrack Desktop

If your projects start to appear on the HardTrack Dashboard with the wrong Display Temperature setting, this almost always happens when someone's copy of HardTrack Desktop has the incorrect Default Display Temperature setting. 

The issue will spread from user to user when another user opens a project that is set to the incorrect Display Temperature setting and they are asked if they would like to change their Display Temperature setting to match the project that is being opened.  If the user responds by clicking "Yes" now their copy of HardTrack Desktop has been changed to the Display Temperature setting that is incorrect. When this user opens another project or sets up a new Project, the Display Temperature setting is likely to be incorrect.

This is how you can check on this and correct it:

1) If you have HardTrack Desktop running on your PC, close HardTrack Desktop.

2) Open HardTrack Desktop.

3) without opening any Projects, click on Options, Display and update any settings that are not correct, especially the Temp setting.  

4) Click OK.

Another way to check if your copy of HardTrack Desktop has the incorrect Default Display Temperature Setting is to open a Project that is currently set to the incorrect Temperature Setting.  If you do not receive a message asking if you want to switch to the incorrect temperature setting, your copy of HardTrack Desktop likely has the incorrect Default Display Temperature Setting.