How do I make Items Inactive or Removed?

How do I make Items Inactive or Removed?

This video will demonstrate how to make items inactive and removed 

Removing or Inactivating Items

Removed Items are items that you don’t plan on reselling or reordering. These should be removed from the system when the on hand reaches 0.

Note: an item that is removed will always exist in the database. This is so historical sales data will still be available.

  • To remove an item, highlight the item and click Remove Item.
  • Make sure the On-Hand Count is zero before you attempt to remove an item from inventory.
  • Use Adjust On Hand quantity if you need to manually deplete the remaining inventory.
  • If there is an On-Hand count for the item, you will receive a popup notification:



  • To un-remove an item, double-click on the item and click Yes Undelete. The item editor screen will open for the item. Click Save and Close to complete the undelete process.


Inactive Items are typically seasonal product that you plan to store until the next time you want to sell them. These items usually do not expire and do not require the stock to be 0 to be removed from your everyday inventory item view(s).

  • To set an item to Inactive, navigate to its Other Details tab in the Item Editor and uncheck the “This Item is Active” checkbox.
  • Depending on User Permissions, you can also achieve this by right-clicking the item on the main inventory items view and selecting “Set Inactive”.
  • To set an item back to Active when you are ready to sell it again, use the right-click “Set Active” option, or re-check the “This Item is Active” checkbox in the Other Details tab for the item.

Once an item has been removed or set to inactive, you can view it by checking the box in the Inventory Items screen that says “Include Inactive/Removed”. The items will be flagged with (removed) or (inactive)


To mark an item an as "Inactive" please follow the steps below:

  1. Open the item editor and navigate to the "Other Details" tab
  2. Un-check box labeled "This Item Is active"
  3. Save and Close. 


 Please note: There are a few things that need to be verified before the item can be removed. 

- The item cannot be an ingredient item in any Recipes or Kits. If the item is an ingredient item in a Recipe/Kit, you will need to remove this line from the Recipe/Kit before proceeding.

- The item must have a 0 on hand quantity in ALL stores in Yellow Dog Inventory. If the item has any on hand value, whether that be Positive or Negative, in any stores in Yellow Dog Inventory, you will need to perform a manual adjustment to update this value to Zero (0). 

- The item cannot be in any Open purchasing documents or Purchase orders. All documents must be committed or the line item must be removed from the purchasing document. 


To remove an item from Yellow Dog Inventory, please follow the steps listed below.

1. Select the item in Yellow Dog Inventory - Inventory Items screen.

2. If all points listed above have been checked, Select "Remove Item"

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