Can I change my password?

Can I change my password?

Yes, you can change your password.

Your account’s password is the key you received in your welcome email. The key which you should safely store away. The key you should NOT lose.

You will need that key to change your password. Once you change your password, all other keys for your account will update and you will need to replace them as well.

After changing your password, store the new password safely away!

To change your password, go to your wallet and click Password at the top right.
Read the different rules!

Remember the first and second rule of Smoke: DO NOT lose your password.

Enter your current password in the field. Click Click to generate new password.

Safely store your newly generated password away.

Retrieve your new posting and active key.
Use ONLY your posting key for day to day operation on the Smoke blockchain.

Remember that there is no solution to replace a lost password.

Or go here but replace @unnamed with @yourusername in the link: