Payment Method - Bill Me

Payment Method - Bill Me

New Enrollments: This Payment Method can ONLY be selected IF the customer does not feel comfortable providing a payment method. Bill ME is NOT to be offered upfront as an acceptable payment method for Enrollments.
Bill Me is used when the customer requests to be Invoiced or Billed Directly from Cinch without retaining a payment method on file for automated payments.

Agents should attempt to
Overcome the customer's objection to retain a payment method on file by using 1 Rebuttal.

Rebuttal Suggestion

“We recommend providing a direct form of payment to avoid a lapse in coverage. Be assured that we are PCI compliant and most of your information is encrypted once saved in our system.

What form of payment would you like to use today, a credit/debit card, or your checking/savings account? This can be changed at any time.”

Prior to selecting Bill Me you must reach out and obtain Supervisor Approval and notate who gave the approval. Bill Me should be selected Only as a Last Resort. Please note Cinch will complete random account audits set to Bill Me to ensure this method is being selected properly.

Bill Me Frequency and Guidelines

Bill Me Full Pay

One invoice will be mailed for full payment/remaining balance of the warranty.

3 Installments

  1. The balance of the warranty is divided into 3 installments
    (one installment is the equivalent of 4 months of the premium cost).

  2. The customer will receive 3 consecutive invoices within the first three months of the plan enrollment date. 

After utilizing 1 Rebuttal to attempt to retain a payment method on file:
  1. If the customer Agrees to add a form of payment, proceed with the ACH/CC Verbal Agreement.
  2. If the customer Refuses to provide a payment method and is adamant about calling or mailing in their payment in 12-month installments, follow these guidelines:
    1. Advise customers who are paying in 12-month installments they are responsible for calling or sending in their payments in a timely manner.
      Cinch does Not send monthly invoices. 
      1. Bill Me Full Pay should be selected for this option.
        DO NOT use the 3 installments plan for customers that are calling or mailing in their payments in 12-month installments. 3 Installments should only be selected when specifically requested.
Use the Notation Template to document the customer is aware of Bill Me Procedures and the customer's payment plan.

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