V2 Vs V1

V2 Vs V1

API - V2 vs V1

The Version 2.0 update of Zoho APIs had a great impact on the usage of APIs and Functions (previously custom functions). The working of the APIs are mostly the same, but the syntax, output and methods are different.

The purpose of this document is to provide the clear difference between the two APIs and also to make users understand the version 2.0 better.

What's different in V2:

  • API response and input formats supports only JSON.
  • APIs will be authenticated by OAuth 2.0 protocol.
  • There are Api Names for modules, fields and related_lists, in version 2.0, instead of display label as in Version 1.0 APIs.
  • API call limits are based on 24 hour rolling window, whereas in V 1.0, API call limit is based on PST timezone.
  • Date time values given in ISO 8601 date time format (2018-03-28T10:32:45+05:30).
  • All API names starting with $ are read-only attributes.
  • When you GET a record, the response for empty fields are JSON Null.
  • Module API names can be fetched using "https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v2/settings/modules" - Request URL
  • In insert, update and upsert APIs, automated actions like workflow, approval and blueprint can be triggered for all the records using the key “trigger”:[“approval”,”workflow”,”blueprint”]
  • In GET APIs, responses will have an info JSONObject. Ex:

    "info": {
        "per_page": 200,
        "count": 1,
        "page": 1,
        "more_records": false

    • page: To get the list of records from the respective pages. Default value is 1.
    • per_page: To get the list of records available per page. Default value is 200.
    • more_records is to know whether to make extra API call to fetch next set of records
  • getMyRecords(v1.0 API) can be fetched using searchRecords API in v2.0

Field Attribute changes:

In API Version 1.0 Equivalent in API Version 2.0
SMOWNERID id given within the Owner JSONObject.
{MODULE} OWNER (Ex. Lead Owner, Case Owner) name given within Owner JSONObject.
SMCREATORID id given within Created_By JSONObject
Created By name given within Created_By JSONObject.
MODIFIEDBY id given within Modified_By JSONObject
Modified By name given within Modified_By JSONObject.

Field Format types:

Field Type V1.0 Format V2.0 Format
Single Line <FL val="Single_Line 1"> <![CDATA[this is single line]]> </FL> "Single_Line_1": “This is single line”,
Multi Line <FL val="Multi-Line 1"><![CDATA[this is multi line second line]]></FL> "Multi_Line_1": "This is \multi line\second line",
Email <FL val="Email"><![CDATA[email@zoho.com]]><FL> "Email_1": "email1@email.com",
Phone <FL val="Phone 1"><![CDATA[9900000000]]></FL> "Phone_1": "9900000000",
Picklist <FL val="picklist1"><![CDATA[one]]></FL> "picklist1": "one",
Multi-select Picklist <FL val="Multi-Select 1"><![CDATA[Option1;Option 2]]></FL> "Multi_Select_1": [
    "Option 1",
    "Option 2"
Date <FL val="Date 1"><![CDATA[2018-03-29]]></FL> "Date_1": "2018-03-29",
Date/Time <FL val="Date/Time 1"><![CDATA[2018-04-07 10:00:00]]></FL> "Date_Time_1": "2018-04-07T10:00:00+05:30",
Number <FL val="Number 1"><![CDATA[50000]]></FL> "Number_1": 50000,
Currency <FL val="Currency 1"><![CDATA[230000500]]></FL> "Currency_1": 230000500,
Decimal <FL val="Decimal 1"><![CDATA[1234.9]]></FL> "Decimal_1": 1234.9,
Percent <FL val="Percent 1"><![CDATA[12.3]]></FL> "Percent_1": 12.3,
Long Integer <FL val="Long Integer 1"><![CDATA[6780000000780000]]></FL> "Long_Integer_1": "6780000000780000",
Checkbox <FL val="Checkbox 1"><![CDATA[true]]></FL> "Checkbox_1": true,
URL <FL val="URL 1"><![CDATA[https://www.zoho.com]]></FL> "URL_1": "https://www.zoho.com",
Lookup <FL val="Lookup 1"><![CDATA[9500495sam]]></FL> "Lookup_1": {
    "name": "9500495sam",
    "id": "1386586000001815005"
Record Owner <FL val="SMOWNERID">1386586000000078001</FL>
<FL val="Lead Owner"<>![CDATA[BruceWills]]></FL>
"Owner": {     "name": "Bruce Wills",     "id": "1386586000000078001"   },
Layout N/A "Lookup_1": {
    "name": "9500495sam",
    "id": "1386586000001815005"

API Methods

Method Name Purpose
getRecords  To retrieve all users data specified in the API request
getRecordById To retrieve individual records by record ID
getDeletedRecordIds  To retrieve the list of IDs of deleted records from recycle bin
insertRecords   To insert records into the required Zoho CRM module
updateRecords  To update or modify the records in Zoho CRM
getSearchRecordsByPDC  To search the values based on pre-defined columns
deleteRecords To delete the selected records
convertLead To convert lead to potential, account and contact
getRelatedRecords To retrieve records related to a primary module
getFields  To retrieve details of fields available in a module
updateRelatedRecords  To update records related to another record
getUsers  To retrieve the list of users in your organization
uploadFile  To attach a file to a record
delink  To disassociate the relationship between parent and child records
downloadFile  To download a file attached to a record
deleteFile  To delete a file attached to a record
uploadPhoto  To add a photo to a contact or lead
downloadPhoto  To download the photo of a contact or lead
deletePhoto  To delete a photo of a contact or lead
getModules  To retrieve all modules from Zoho CRM account
searchRecords  To retrieve the records that match your search criteria

Still can't find what you're looking for?

Write to us: support@zohocrm.com

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